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Living in China 1996

January 1 to February 15

Ottawa: Had short but wonderful visits with Elizabeth Rochester, Ann Wilson, Hussein and Anne Banani, Maury and Helen Miloff, Don Johnson, Peter Sijpkes, John Dixon, and Stuart Kinmond.

January 29 Writing CMHC China Housing Report. Before Christmas it has still not jelled. Suddenly, in January it started to come together. Leo wanted to make a contribution to the party for Stuart Kinmond's fiftieth birthday. Hongyu, Leo and I spent an afternoon making party hats. We use pages from the building materials and products catalogues we brought from China. We added decorations, lots of fun. Table of Contents of our report: Part One: China housing sector how it works. Part Two: Canada housing sector how it works. Part Three: a) Real estate survey

b) Building material survey Part Four: Recommendations and guidelines Hongyu and I wrote parts one, three, and half of part four. Delta did the rest.

Feb. 15

Return to Beijing Dongxi told an airline stewardess on the way home to Beijing. “Baba was mad at me when I was in Canada because I didn't say hello to people, but now I'm not shy.” When we came home, he spread some of his books on the floor to look at them. Then he said, “Baba, I was afraid you would be mad at me for putting all these books on the floor.” I didn't think I was always so angry. I must watch myself. I know I praise him sometimes. He doesn't seem to remember that. Everyone says how well behaved he is and that makes me feel good, relieved. When Elizabeth was here, she noticed him feeling sad. February 16 Yang San Cheng met us at the airport. When we got home Lao Lao and Lao Ye were there. They had dusted and cleaned our home. They prepared a meal for us. Lao Ye said Bridge Magazine's new editor wants to publish my article on China, but they are slow. Happy to be back. Jet-lagged. February 18 Dan, Hoa Xin, and Rachel came over with a lunch for us. February 19 Spring Festival at Lao Lao Jia. February 20 Adam came to visit; we are still looking for ways to work together. Ted Margrett came for lunch from Dalian. February 21 Go to Summer Palace with Adam, Karen, Simon (Adam’s brother), Andrea, and kids. Then Hao Xin came for a visit. I'm at home doing house-cleaning. Hongyu and the kids are still at Lao Lao Jia. Sherman asked Adam to design a kindergarten. Adam asked me to do it with him. We visited the site in a housing estate called Wangfu Garden, in Chang Ping, a district of Beijing. We went with Sherman and Shi Tou. Supper at Lao Lao Jia. Everyone came home to a clean house. Yesterday I gave Adam pieces of my super-floppy. February 23 Organizing our home. February 24 Email to Robert Mellin about forming a joint venture/ Rep Office. February 25 Email to Ann Wilson, Mark Carter, and Robert Mellin. Interview You Nai Nai about helping us take care of Alexander. February 26 Take Hongyu and Alex to hospital for a check-up. Pick up application forms at Jing Mao Wei to extend my contract. Hongyu suggested He Xi worked at BADI Foundation. Alex Christian said they need help. Wait until Mrs Elhadi returns next week. February 27 Visit Xin Xing Development Company. Arrange my green card with a branch company they founded called Jian Feng. PM: Visit BADI. Alex Christian was there and Xiao Jiang of Jiu Zhu Property Management to discuss kindergarten. Both sides say they want a consultative experimental process. February 28 I started writing paper with Hongyu for a conference in Hong Kong in May. Xin Xing Development Co. cannot arrange my residence permit. Jian Feng is a dead company. My permit expires March 12. I asked Adam about getting my permit from his office, Toyu Interior Design. I consider phoning Toyu’s boss, Ken, in San Francisco on his holiday. I have misgivings. February 29 3:30 am I woke up and phoned David Nicholson, Head of Bennett and Wright (B&W) in Toronto, about getting my work permit with their Beijing office. Luckily, he was in Toronto. He said, okay, as long as his Chinese partner in Toronto agreed. He's not sure who the Rep. is in Beijing. He will find out. Ahhh! Thank you! Grateful! I never met Mr. Nicholson before but we had several good phone conversations in Ottawa. He wants me to work with them and RTKL of Baltimore on his Beijing project. AM Go to Economy and Trade Committee (Jing Mao Wei). Mrs Zhou gave me some forms. It will take two weeks to process. They need approval of Commercial Administration (Gong Shang Ju). It will take three weeks for the appointment letter to come from Canada. My present Visa expires in twelve days. PM Go to Gong An Ju. It's possible to extend my Resident’s Permit (Zhu Liu Zheng) for one month. Enough time, just. I want very much to work with B&W; it would be nice to have my work and work unit coincide. I continue to help Hongyu write a paper for Housing conference in HK. Dongxi at home. EVE Compose letter to David Nicholson at B&W in Toronto about procedures to appoint me as a representative of B&W. I asked him for an appointment letter in English and Chinese. Alexander is a chubby grunting inner-tube. Smiles flash over his face like sun from clouds. Leo likes to play with him and scare him. Alexander is very attentive to little boy action. March 1 Writing a paper with Hongyu for HK housing conference. Go to Lao Lao Jia for supper. Leave Leo with his aunt, Mao Mao (da yi ma). Alexander now has a Chinese name, He Shan. ‘He’ is Hongyu’s family name. ‘Shan’ means mountain. ‘He’ has the same sound as ‘river’, so his name sounds like ‘River Mountain’, a picture poem. March 2 Receive fax from David Nicholson saying he will help my application to be a Rep of B&W in Beijing. This will be my first job in China with foreigners.

Write letter to Laurie McGlaughlin, Alex Christian, Allen Fryback, and Joan Rendell about kindergarten in Beijing. EVE Supper with Hongyu at a place near our home we call the Medicine Store Restaurant. It used to be a drug store. Wonderful Yu Xiang Rou Si (Fish Flavour Meat Strips). He Shan sleeps on two chairs as we eat.

March 3 Hongyu had a nightmare: I got sick and refused to go to the hospital and then left, never to return. She was crying and very upset. She is anxious about my fasting. I sent a letter about kindergartens to Laurie, Allen, Alex, and Joan. Finished a seven-page paper on Beijing regeneration for Hong-Kong housing conference. Evening supper and very nice visit with Sun Hua Sheng. He will go to Canada in May. March 4 Letter to Hong-Kong Conference. New Aiyi arrives, Xiao Zhang. Dongxi first day at school in China since we came back from Canada. March 5 AM Great visit with Kamal Fozdar. Suggest he make a nest egg outside of China and then come back with his own agenda. Could include teaming up with Adam and I. Late night fax from B&W. They didn't include Chinese Letters of Appointment and Application. I draft new ones for them.

PM Take He Xi, Yu Miao’s daughter, to BADI Foundation. They agree she could work there and do translation.

March 6 Xiao Jiang will try another partner for her kindergarten beside BADI. I’m not sure why. Draft letter to Stephen Poon in Hong Kong. Trial run of Rep. application at Jing Mao Wei. A very helpful young woman with wonderful attitude, Zhao Wen___, said our application was fine, just need original letters which are on their way by courier from Toronto.

March 7 A 7-degree sandstorm. Sand in our teeth and eyes as I take Dongxi to school. [On Beaufort Scale, 7 degree storm has high winds, a moderate gale, 50–61 km/h, whole trees are in motion; inconvenience felt when walking against the wind.] Fax to Hong-Kong about Jiu Zhu staff member traveling to Hong-Kong to study property management.

Hao Xin came to our home to work on upgrading our computer. Karen Robarts came to our home for a visit. We went to a clothing factory nearby Di An Men, We are thinking of cooperating to make things for sale. We feel like investing.

Appointment and Application letters came from Canada but not the promised copy of Rep. Office formation. Mr. Nicholson is not reading my February 29th letter with care. Hao Xin was here all day. She made two trips back to her home to get some software and to the computer store near her home to get some hardware. After all that effort the computer is still not up and running. She can't come back for another week. I told her about the Baha’i fast and why. EVE Practice reading English with Dongxi. I finished reading a biography of Lydia Zamenhoff. She was a Polish writer, publisher, translator and the youngest daughter of Klara and L. L. Zamenhof, the creator of Esperanto. Lydia was an active promoter of Esperanto as well as of Homaranismo, a form of religious humanism first defined by her father. Around 1925 she became a member of the Baháʼí Faith. Lydia was born January 29, 1904, in Warsaw, Poland. Died: 1942, Treblinka extermination camp. March 8 Hao Xin came back in the afternoon to finish upgrading our 486. Supper at Lao Lao Jia. Bring Dongxi to Mao Mao Jia for weekend. She's teaching him Chinese reading and writing.

March 9 Hongyu and I and Alex go to Changping. Decide to buy an apartment at Du Shi Hua Yuan in north Beijing.

Du Shi Hua Yuan 2003

Du Shi Hua Yuan 2003

Du Shi Hua Yuan 2022

March 10 Hongyu and Alex and I go to Changping on the same road as yesterday (Li Tang Lu), but continue straight to the Huang Hua Cheng Great Wall about 60KM north of the Drum Tower. Feel very excited. A beautiful “Shangrila” in the mountains is only an hour away from our new Changping home. March 11 Hongyu upset about my fasting.

PM Go with Bater and two of his friends (one of them was called Bao Cheng) to buy parts for two, 586 computers. March 12 Pick up required documents from B & W Rep. office, met secretary Zhou. Hand in Hongyu's Visa application to the British Embassy to attend conference in HK. Hand in my Rep. application to Miss Zhao at Jing Mao Wei. She's so friendly and alert; promised approval for next Monday.

PM Work on axonometric of kindergarten. Visit Du Shi Hua Yuan real estate company office and get contract to buy a unit. EVE Go with Hongyu and Alex to McDonald's. Leave Dongxi with Ma Tin Tin. Later, Gao Xiao Hui visited. I lent him my Qingdao planning study for Zhong Jing for his perusal. He works for NBBJ, a large American architectural office. My study area is across the street from the site of a new competition that NBBJ will participate in. March 13 AM Visit kindergarten site Northeast of Dongzhimen. Yang San Cheng’s friend wants to invest in a youth-kindergarten center for foreigners. I examine drawings for RTKL's design Haircut. Work on my Baha'i Super Floppy (360 KB capacity); get 3 more pieces typed. March 14 AM Meet with Tim Lo and Xiao Lu at Kunlun Hotel for more introduction to B&W project. I will have an RTKL name card.


Review clauses in contract for house purchase in Chanping.

Bater and his friend install 586 upgrade to our 486 computer system.

Evening meet Sherman, Shi Tou and Adam Roberts.

March 15th


Meeting with Xiao Lu re RTKL project.


Letter to Joe Baker re his visit to Tianjin School of Architecture.

Letter to Lori, Alex and Mrs. Elhadi about Xiao Jiang giving up kindergarten plan with BADI.

Prepare office budget proposal for B& W

We put down a deposit on a unit in Changping.

Start to play with new 585 computer.

Take Dongxi to Mao Mao Jia.

Give 386 to Lao Ye.

Tianjin University agreed to host Joe Baker as a guest at the School of Architecture.

March 16

Draw axonometric of Nan Xin Yuan kindergarten


Great visit with Adam. Draft letter to Sherman re Wang Fu Hua Yuan Kindergarten.

March 17

Continue axonometric.

Hongyu very depressed about my fasting.

March 18

All day at B&W. Agree on $2400 US per month for a 3 day week for 8 months ($200/day) plus expenses. Make plan for a week ahead.

Jing Mao Wei approved my application to be a Rep.

Hongyu and Yang San Cheng take my application to Gong Shang Ju, It will take three weeks to approve.

March 19

AM at Kul Lun Hotel office. Meet RTKL and HH Angus personnel. Review plan for the week and list outstanding questions.


At Ministry of Construction Design Institute (MCDI). to discuss detail problems and approach to client. Agree DD has finished & CD has started.

March 20

AM At Kunlun B&W office. Prepare for PM meeting with David Nicholson, Ted Niederman (RTKL), Qing (RTKL), and Xiao Lu.

Xiao Zhou submitted my application to the Gong Shang Ju yesterday. They said it will be ready April 9, three days before my residence permit expires.


At client (Bao Xin) office. Discuss schedule, completion of DD. Agree meet tomorrow.

I spend Naw Ruz alone.

March 21

All day meeting with client and MCDI to discuss DD completion & CD schedule.

March 22


Prepare minutes of yesterday's meeting.

Pick up John Rendell at airport.

Join B&W and RTKL at MCDI for continuation of meeting.

DD memorandum agreed.

Go to Lao Lao Jia, met Hongyu, Dongxi, and Alex.

March 23


Meeting at MCDI about schedule

Afternoon meeting with Sherman and Shi Tou.

Evening supper with B&W.

March 24


Breakfast with Joan Rendell.

Meeting with client at B&W about fees.

Supper with Adam and Karen, Joan, Dan and Hao Xin and Rachel at our place. Eat Spring Rolls.

March 25

Most of the day meeting with Qing and Xiao Lu at MCDI to discuss architectural design. Bumped into Qian Man (we worked together at Zhong Jing). Happy to see him.

Supper with Joan. Hongyu suggested she come to her home for supper

March 26

Email to Peter Sijpkes about the Montreal Harbor Symphony, to Kamal Fazdar, to Joe Baker, and to IHEP.

See Joan off to Lanzhou.

March 27

Email to Ann Wilson, Hussein and Anne Banani, about Sun Hua Sheng's visit to Canada.

Delta report draft arrived from Canada.

Sherman kindergarten site plan @ 1:50o. Exploratory sketches.

Nan Mo Fang kindergarten, complete color scheme.

March 28

Sherman kindergarten visit Toyota about RTKL interior design

Take Alexander to Fang___Yi Yuan. March 29

All day at B&W, write up minutes in English and Chinese for March 24 meeting.

Sherman kindergarten.

March 30th

Sherman kindergarten

Proof read CMHC report.

First message from RTKL via email.


Whole family goes to Long Fu Da Sha for McDonald's.

March 31

Sherman kindergarten.

Today Alex has been alive for 100 days. Celebration at Lao Lao Jia

The object he picks indicates his future life's work. He chose a Russian Doll. The outer layer is Yeltsin. The layers insIde go down to a small statue of Lenin and final the last Czar. His choice could indicate an interest in politics or international relations. [Alex 2021-2 works for Julie Dzerowicz, the federal MP for the Davenport district of Toronto.]

April 1

All day at B&W, finish minutes of March 24 meeting, deliver to client. Visit model maker in Ya Yun Cun.

April 2



Meet Nike model maker


Meet with Sherman and Shi Tou, further define program.

April 3


Draft report to David Nicholson at B&W


Review CMHC Report.

April 4

All day at B&W. Send report to David Nicholson

4 PM

10 slideshow for visiting Canadian delegation.

Give copy of 'Spiritual Civilization' and Crucial Contribution of Women Liu Yuanzhang at kindergarten.

Xiao Lu wants some Baha'i material. He Xi interested.

April 5


Visit MCDI model-maker.

Sherman kindergarten

April 6 and 7

Sherman Kindergarten

April 7

Eve: Pick up Tim Hutchinson at airport.

April 8


Meet at B&W just before lunch. Visit Xiao Bao, the model maker


At MCDI discuss podium redesign, curtain wall system, and estimate.

April 9


At client's office. Present levels 4,5 and basement floor changes. Visit site.


At MCDI, review architectural design.

My Resident's Permit was approved by the Gong Shang Ju!!

Eve: Give Sherman a roof plan of the kindergarten site so he can get feedback from Wangfu Housing Estates.

April 10


At MCDI with Tim Hutchinson of RTKL.


Apply at Gong An Ju for new Resident's Permit.


Sherman school and International School of Beijing (ISB).

April 11

At MCDI all day with Tim.

April 12

Sherman Kindergarten


Meeting with Sherman and Shi Tou.

April 13

Hongyu upset by my meeting with Sherman yesterday evening. She doesn't want me to care so much. At 4:30 AM get up to revise plans. I regard schematic design as mainly a consultation with the client. Adam prefers to present a 'fait accompi'.

April 14

Go to Beijing Zoo with Alex, Hongyu, and Dongxi. After, Dongxi and I go to 'Big M' for supper.

Peng Peng is drawing the elevations for my Sherman Kindergarten.

Finish drawings for kindergarten.

April 15


At B&W. Draft letters.


I feel fear of Hongyu's anger. I woke up at 3 AM worked on Baha'i super floppy and other correspondence.

Visit client to discuss Fire Department requirements.

Evening meeting with Sherman, Adam and Shi Tou.

April 16


At B&W. Write report for David Nicholson.

Bumped into Mrs. Al Hadi and Hatem. Had lunch with them. Gave them my Baha'i Super Floppy to take to Macau.


Prepare report for ISB.

April 17

Breakfast meeting with Brian Bedard, Adam and Hongyu at Wu Zhou hotel.

[From Aug 1992 - Sep 2006, Brian Bedard was the China Agriculture Program Director for AgriTeam Canada.]


Lunch with Jian Ning. Letter to Alan Fryback about Rural University.

CMHC housing report, add maps of China.

April 18

RTKL phone call from Qian. She asked me to contact another model maker.

Found an idea for a Sherman’s kindergarten using bricks as walls and columns. Is it too late to include them in the design?



Visit Nan Mo Fang, Xin Xing office on site. They agree with my strong colour scheme for the kindergarten.


He Xi said thank you for the books. I called Mrs. Chen invited her to join friends tomorrow at a talk by Doctor Pesheskian from Germany.

April 19

Send checks via Ann Wilson. Arrange hospitality for Sun Hua Sheng visit.

Dongxi is off on a school spring outing.

Finish maps for CMHC Report.

My heart not cooling off yet from last weekend. I start to touch Hongyu again.


Attended part of lecture by Mr. and Mrs. Pesheskian at the Jing Lun Center. Listening to them my heart melted, anger subsided. Looking for new goal. Yesterday compiled superfloppy hard copy. Gave one copy to Professor Chen, second copy is for Macau.

April 20

At Lao Lao Jia for lunch. I'm almost 50. I have failed to create an architectural office. Failed to design a kindergarten for Sherman. My work feels uninspired and stiff. I feel I haven't built anything. I'm just subsisting, not contributing. Please God, what should I do?

April 21

Go to Benevolence Valley (Ci Bei Yu), a village north of Beijing. Talk later with Lao Ye about dream of buying a house there.

Ci Bei Yu (north of Beijing)

I told Hongyu about Ridvan. "Well, at least you went to a village", she said. Email from Robert Mellin. He is interested in pursuing cooperation with him, Arvo the planner, and Fred Hammond the landscape architect. Great!

First CAD file came through on Internet from Qing at RTKL Washington office.

April 22


Talk briefly with Xiao Lu. I don't feel welcome by him. Saw Shidvash, gave her packages for Lori McGlaughlin.


Visit Micro model-maker. Gave them a CAD file from Qing.

April 23


RTKL: Made list of suppliers or reps in Hong-Kong for mechanical equipment, elevators and curtain wall.


Hao Xin came and fixed our computer, upgraded, fine-tuned. Great!

I have bursitis. Very sore muscles at top of arm. Everyone says it comes with being 50. Man at corner convenience store where we go to make phone calls, and where Leo and I usually stop for ice cream on the way home from school, and who calls Dongxi 'Xiao Fei Ren' (Little Flying Person) because he wears his coat like a cape, said at 55 you won't be able to move your whole body. Something to look forward to.

Bedtime story for Leo was Tom Sawyer painting the fence.


Made models of new kindergarten idea using Dongxi's blocks.

April 24


RTKL: Make list of Hong-Kong suppliers.


At B&W office review latest fax from David. Visit client's office to discuss bidding documents, fire department requirements, delivery structural calculations.

April 25


At MCDI. Work on contents of foundation package, drawings for model.


With client. Deliver list of contents of FP requirements. At office write report for B&W for David Nicholson.

April 26


Finish report, organize files in computer.


Meet Tim Lowell with Tim Lo. He spoke Taiwanese Chinese and said 'otherwise in Chinese (yao bu ran de hua) in a very long, drawn out way, especially the last character 'hua'.

April 27

All day meeting listening to Tim Lo talk about the foundations.

April 28

At Lao Lao Jia.

April 29


Phone Mom early in the morning for her Sunday evening birthday supper.

Visit Nan Mo Fang with Adam. I am very excited by the kindergarten.

Leo at Nan Mo Fang Kindergarten


At home, write letters. Fax from Bob Nation.

April 30


Meeting at MCDI about foundation design.

PM Talk with Tim Lo at MCDI

May 1


Head of Dongxi's school (No. 1 Kindergarten) in charge of pedagogy thanked me for compilation I gave her. It included MY Letter to Deng Xiao Ping, BBW and the Crucial Contribution of Women (CCW). She said she wanted to share them with .

I have the day off. We visit with Verna and her two children. She is the daughter of Lin Tong Yan, 83-year-old famous structural engineer in the US (originally from China). Zhang Aiyi brought her daughter Ma Ke to visit. Dongxi had children to play with all day.

May 2


Joan phoned to say all had gone well in Lanzhou.

Work on reports for David and RTKL


Take drawings at 1:150 from MCDI to Micro model-maker.


Supper with Verna and kids at McDonald's.

May 3

Write report for B&W/RTKL all day. Send it by fax from our home.

Evening: message to Kong about contents of floppy super. I feel tired.

Write a 50th wedding anniversary letter to mom and dad.

May 4

At Lao Lao Jia

Make proposed color scheme for Nan Mo Fang Elementary School.

May 5

Feeling very anxious I'm not useful, not being used. I want a more visible outcome, more signs of confirmation.

May 6

At MCDI, meet client.

Phone call with Qing. Sai Ye model maker also wants to make the model of our building.

May 7


At Xi Yuan Hotel. Meet with client, Fire Department, and MCDI.

General, but not final, agreement on a revised design for the podium.


Ask Micro to do model for 45,000 yuan to meet Sai Ye's price. Not my idea. I don't like bargaining.

May 8


Bring email drawing files from Qing to MCDI. Sign contract with Micro. Start report for David.


Go to Changping county, Xiang Tang Cun with Yu Ning and Mao Mao. They bought a row house there. Yu Ning came with me to pick up Dongxi.

Evening: Exhausted.

May 9

Help Hongyu with her Dong Ah report.

Email to Qing about the model.

Email to Alcide DeGagne and Ann about visit to China.

Help Mr. Castonguay with Chinese guest list to meet Canadian delegation activity at Embassy.

Write report to David. Sign contract with micro.

May 10

Almost finished a month of reading Zoe Myers 'Dawnbreakers' with Dongxi.

Mail Mom and Dad's 50th wedding anniversary gift from International Post Office.

Get brochure, last page, revised at Empire Printing.

Email to Qing. Ask for plastic for two models.

Email to Alcide. Ask for payment No. 2.

Fax to David. Ask for wages for March and April.

Corrected He Xi's English resume.

Call Ching about the RTKL model.

May 11

At Lao Loa Jia.

Prepare presentation for Canadian Embassy tomorrow.

May 12

Briefing at Embassy on housing and building materials.

Clean house.

May 13

Fax to Anne Lucciola (CMHC) and Jacques Castonguay (Canadian Embassy)

Fax to David Nicholson about two delay for client foundation report.

Visit National Agricultural Exhibition Hall to see Canadian building material exhibit.

Email to Ann Wilson about Sun Hua Sheng.

Finish A4 drawings for Sherman Kindergarten

Book a hotel room for Joan Rendell.

May 14

Early morning, draw perspective of Kindergarten.

Attend housing finance seminar at Canadian Embassy. Meet Xue Wen from Tianjin/CMHC

Evening: Give Sherman Kindergarten proposal to Adam.

May 15

Letter to GESTAD (Energrid)

Letter to Alcide.

Proof-read Hongyu's Dong Ah Survey.

Attend reception at Canadian Embassy.

Give Xue Wen a copy of China housing finance.

Prepare proposal for a Canadian ‘village’ in Beijing for Jacques Castonguay and Ann Lucciola.

Shang Huo (Rising Heat). I feel weak. The hot weather kills me.

May 16

To Alan Fryback, a message about Rural University.

To Ann Wilson and Hussein Banani,a message about Sun Hua Sheng.

Feel sick.

ISB Board of Directors is interested in our report.

Supper with Joan Rendell. Nice evening.

May 17

Take Joan to Jian Guo Hotel, Canadian Airlines Office. Help her arrange tickets. She left for Hangzhou.

B&W, at office with James. Still no news from client about foundation design. PM went to visit the Micro model-maker.

Evening: With Peng Peng. He’s teaching me how to use AutoCAD.

May 18

Hongyu making deal with Koreans about office curtain wall sales rep. and factory.

I'm home with the kids.

Hongyu getting ready for Hong-Kong.

Lunch with Xue Wen, Gaeten, Louise Boivin, Ann Lucciola, Hongyu and I at Ri Tan courtyard restaurant.

PM at Lao Lao Jia.

May 19

Take Hongyu to airport (going to Hong Kong).

Take Dongxi to Xiang Shan. We went up the cable car.

Evening: Proof-read CMHC Report for Delta.

Cable Car Ticket at Fragrant Hills

May 20

AM meeting with ISB with ISB Charlie Hannum. Later, we'll ask Hongyu to meet him and hopefully his Chinese partners.

Midday at B&W. Phone call with Qing about the model they will come

May 27.

PM With Ann Lucciola. Took photos in Tuan Jie Hu

Evening: Lecture with Adam at Qinghua University about kindergartens for 2nd year students. Good discussion. After lecture, talk in small group at front.

Email to Qing ask her to bring Chart-pack tape from the US.

May 21

Fro B&W went to Fire Department for client but the people we wanted to see were not there.

At B&W translate HH Angus March 24 letter.

Supper with Adam and Sherman. Later, Tanya, Annette, and Todd Main joined us.


Write fax to B&W

Email to Ann Wilson about Sun Hua Sheng visit.

May 22

AM email to Robert Mellin about the future.

Letter about ISB

PM at B&W pick up plastic for model from Qing. Visit client about foundation study. He asked for a bowling alley.

Visit MCDI.

Celebrate anniversary of the Declaration of the Bab with Dongxi.

Email and fax to Delta about the CMHC report.

Practice auto CAD

May 23

Some shopping

B&W/RTKL: deliver plastic to Micro. Another aborted attempt to meet the Fire Department,

Sherman kindergarten, give him final drawings. Get 10,000 yuan.

He Xi came to talk about the Baha’i Faith. Her question, “Why should I believe my soul will exist forever?”

May 24th

Third aborted attempt to discuss revisions with Fire Department. Succeeded in arranging a meeting for Tuesday May 28th.

Made package of 2 kindergarten designs: Nan Mo Fang and Sherman’s Version 3, for Adam students.

Bob Lougheed (from Newfoundland) called.

Prepare B&W name cards for printing. I need it to go to Shanghai attend a meeting about the North Bund planning competition.

PM with Sun Li Bo, buy “0” magazines.

AutoCAD lesson with Peng Peng. Er bothering us.

Hongyu comes home!

May 25

At Lao Lao Jia. I took Dongxi to Tuan Jie Hu (Unity Lake Park).

Clean up and organize house.

After several messages to Alan Fryback, there is no reply.

May 26

Clean house with Hongyu.

Evening: Take Hongyu, Alex and Leo to visit Sheedvash. Then take Bob and Wei back to our home for a visit. Talk business a lot.

May 27

Draft letter to ISB.

Bring plastic to Micro,

Prepare for Shanghai, North Bund Competition.

Evening: Fly to Shanghai. Stay at ocean hotel in Hong Kou District.

May 28

Meeting at Ocean Hotel was attended by city officials and representatives of six architectural offices, foreign and local to hear about redevelopment Bei Wai Tan( North Bund). 6 to 7 PM meet with ____at Yangzi Hotel. Fly back to Beijing.

May 29

International Society of Beijing. Prepare an intro to Beijing walking tour in Old City.

Report to Tim Lo on Shanghai trip.

At MCDI with Qing and Doug Lang.

Bob Lougheed came in evening to talk about investment in Wang Jing. Xu Li Ye and Liu Yuan came to for a visit.

Dongxi getting overlooked. Everyone wants to see the new baby.

May 30

AM Write report for Tim Lo.

PM Visit model maker with Qing and James.

May 31

Morning at Dongxi’s kindergarten. While the children played, the parents attended a meeting with the teachers, Zhu Laoshi and Cai Laoshi. I’m just getting to know, be known by, the place and Dongxi has to leave for elementary school.

My money from B&W has still not come.

Go to client’s office to receive model. Client left at 5:10 PM. Model arrived at 5:15 PM. Qing disappointed.

Evening: Class with Peng Peng. Great! Hongyu and Peng Peng talk about collaboration.

June 1

International Children’s Day.Go to Lao Lao Jia. Picnic at Hong Ling Jing Park. Dongxi was furious he was put in the front of the car with Lao Ye and not with all the women in the back seat. Self-contained fury, no striking out. Fortunately, very happy in the park. He stayed overnight with Mao Moa.

Supper with Xiao Lu Qing at Ritan Park outdoor restaurant.

June 2

At home doing this and that/ Long for confirmations.

June 3

B&W report for David Nicholson

Still no money from Canada

Practice AutoCAD.

Lunch with Bijan and Sheedvash. They ask whether Hongyu could help them with a house purchase in Beijing.

June 4

Finish proof-reading English for Mr.Zhang (Pai shui) at MCDI and for Peng Peong.

Chen Xiao Jie came by to return slides.

Bought Qina Long’s map of Beijing, a set of hand drawn maps

Reading “All Quiet on the Western Front”

Evening: Visit by interior design company and Peng Peng.

June 5

Go to see our new house in Chang Ping. Structure is all there. Can walk around inside and see the interior spaces.

Report for B.F.

Peng Peng resume. He is now a UIDC employee.

Pat Ralph called (from Newfoundland). She's coming to Beijing tomorrow.

June 6

UHJ report

Visit real estate office about changes to our Changping apartment. Evening with Pat Ralph.

June 7

Morning with Pat.

Lunch with Pat and Sawsan Elhadi.

Afternoon with Farzam (Kalamabadi?).

Briefly meet David Nicholson. Xiao Lu looked brooding and unhappy. Evening with Pat. Arranged for her to spend day with He Xi.

June 8

B&W: David Nicholson, Xiao Lu and I discuss RTKL building, photography of model, and Shanghai North Bund design competition.

Lao Loa Jia, quick visit with Pat and He Xi.

June 9

Dongxi angry, made Alex cry. He didn't eat supper. He hid under his blanket and cried. Took him to market with Pat to buy a watermelon. He passed a toy booth twice without asking for something. We went to a glass shop. He watched them make new glass covers for our coffee table which he cracked accidentally playing “store”.

In the evening he cuddled up to me and made his report about the 2 schools he visited with Hongyu today. I had asked him to tell me about them. The go to sleep story was about the spider in the Peace Tower in Ottawa.

I took Pat to the airport.

Very sore throat. Fever.

June 10

Sleep. Sick from a cold.

Prepare handout sheet for next Saturday’s walk (for foreigners) around old courtyards.

Xu Ping Bo wants us to participate in a competition.

Meet with Xiao Lu at B&W. Feel mutual discomfort, hard to consult. Not sure why. I will start work on the Shanghai North Bund competition.

Finish polishing English for Peng Peng's portfolio.

Peter, the Hong-Kong lawyer called.

Mom and Dad called.

June 11

Anxious. Where am I? What direction? At my age, why am I still asking this question?

June 12

B&W North Bund,maps, preparing package for David Nicholson.

Lunch with Todd Main.He had fond someone at Beijing University to translate my selections from SDC and FWU.For SDC I left out some stories and part about China’s humiliation by Japan.

Todd Mina immage

June 14

B&W, AM meeting with professor Xu, planner from Qinghua University.

At last, my money from B&W arrived.

Dongxi went to register at local school on Qian En Si Hou Hutong. He was well received, passed their tests and was well behaved. I feel so proud of him. We bought some cake and had a little celebration. Told him several times how pleased I was. Drop him off at Lao Lao Jia,

Continue work on B&W North Bund planning ideas.

Printed 40 copies of Beijing map for tomorrow's outing.

Leo’s Elementary School Registration Form

June 15

AM Walking tour for the Beijing International Society; Drum Tower, Mao Dun’s home, and Ju Er Hutong

PM Rest.

Evening: Shanghai North Bund.

AutoCAD lesson from Peng Peng.

June 16

B&W Prepare North Bund base map

Dongxi stays at Mao Mao Jia.

June 17

Phone Dad. Wish him Happy Birthday.

B&W: Translate North Bund design intro into English with a Xiao Zhao. Evening with Pat Ralph.

June 18

AM at B&W. Agree with Xiao Lu on planning concepts for North Bund.

Lunch with Pat.

PM North Bund.

Evening: Work on Hongyu’s Canada Returning Resident Permit renewal.

Adam called.

June 19

Secret of Divine Civilization and Foundations of World Unity (in Chinese) are copied and ready to go.

Email from Robert Mellin. Company idea turning fuzzy. He suggested we concentrate on research. Maybe it's OK; market research, feasibility reports, urban opportunity plans.

Evening with Adam and Karen. Adam looked so worried about getting established. They said they wanted to go on their own, together. (ie, not work with us.) I found myself rushing to support Hongyu. She said she would never play tricks with money, wants everything honest.

Work on B&W North Bund. Get English package ready.


B&W North Bund continues.

Letter for Hongyu to Starform windows.

Go to Canadian embassy, submit application for Returning Resident Permit. Buy tickets for Canada Day.

June 21

Email drawing to Robert Mellin and to Qing at RTKL.

B&W North Bund.

Evening at Lao Lao Jia.

June 22

B&W: Share integrated development idea with them. Wait for reaction. Practice AutoCAD.

Email drawings to Qing. They came back unsent.

Great AutoCAD lesson with Peng Peng.

June 23

At Lao Lao Jia

B&W: North Bund.

Lao Er can sit by himself. He smiles at old ladies and delights their hearts.

June 24

Finish package for B&W North Bund.

Lunch with Paul Seager of HH Angus.

Pick up returning resident permit for Hongyu from Canadian Embassy.Good for 2 years!!

I still feel sick.

June 25

Still sick.

Hongyu asked me which way we should go? We need an alternative to the corruption-prone real estate world. I mentioned education, toys, and furniture for children.

June 26

Birthday package from Mom and Dad (typical Dad, three weeks early).

Go to Qinghua to meet Tao Tao and Dan Abramson about North Bund. Digitize our base map.

June 27

Looking for direction. Consult with Hongyu. She has all but let go of the UIDC office. It's falling into disuse. We spend our days in the attic floor of our home.

Lunch with Paul Seager of HH Angus. Take him to see Adam's work at Guo Mao.

June 28

Dongxi asked Hongyu whether today would be the last day of school. He started to cry knowing it would end.

I write a statement about research directions to send out to friends for comments and suggestions.

Evening lesson with Peng Peng.

June 29

Canada Day Celebration. Dongxi spent whole time in small swimming pool.

Adam and Karen came by.

Ken Sunquist felt integrated planning idea very interesting. Asked to be sent our letter.

Ken Sunquist

June 30

Write proposal for children's rural handicraft center.

Take Dongxi to McDonald's and then Bei Hai Park.

July 1

Lunch with Sheedvash Farid.

Look at Sichuan Da Sha with Xiao Lu as potential office for B&W. Write letter to Ken Sunquist.

July 2

Visit MCDI. Letters about 2 pipe versus 4 pipe systems given to me by Liu Suo Zhang.

PM Accomonay Paul Issac at MCDI.Meet with Liu Wen Jie about North Bund.

July 3

All day at MCDI with Paul (electrical).

Evening take Dongxi and Alex out for a walk to enjoy the heavy rain.

July 4

Hongyu, Yang San Cheng and I spend day at Huai Rou Great Wall with Paul Isaac.

July 5

At MCDI with Paul Isaac.

Meet with Bryan K_____ski of JAW windows, Manitoba.

Hongyu attended presentation at Great Wall Hotel. Link made by Mr. Castonguay. Lunch with Paul at Schiller's.

Supper at Lao Lao Jia. Dongxi stayed overnight with Mao Mao.

July 6

Hongyu has dysentery. Go to hospital.

July 7

Report to B&W. Bund follow-up.

Letter to Mom and Dad.

July 8

Pick up electronic file of North Bund map. Report to Qing in Washington.

Discussion with JAW windows of Manitoba.

Evening: North Bund meeting with Liu Wen Jie and Peng Peng.

July 9

Report to B&W.

Visit Head of Peach Valley Village (Tao Yu Kou Cun). Found good site for craft center. They are willing to cooperate with us.Talked with Village Shuji.

Evening: haircut

RTKL email from Qing.

July 10

Give North Bund existing building changes to Peng Peng. Meet with James (Xiao Lu) to consult about new office and client Bao Xin. Take invoices to Gong Zong (client head, a very intimidating fellow). He rejected them.

July 11

Go with James two look at Sicuhan Da Sha.

Write report/proposal to B&W about North Bund and new office.

July 12

AM Look at large work tables (1200 x 2400mm) being built for North Bund job.

PM Party at Redstone Office

Evening: Report to BMW about new office location and North Bund.

Dongxi at Lao Lao Jia.

July 13

Alexander is sick.

Email to Ted Neiderman. Report to B&W about receipts for Mr. Gong.

July 14

My birthday. I’m 49 years old and still muddling and struggling.

Celebration with walk and picnic in Hong Ling Jing Gong Yuan with family.

Send email to Ted Neiderman of RTKL about Redstone project.

July 15

No response yet from B&W.

Canadian Embassy, get Alexander’s passport.

Meet with Ken Scott of CIDA.

Meet Peter at Redstone. Write update to Ted.

July 16

Ruth Cheung from B&W phoned to ask some questions. Lunch with Roland Yazhari.

PM Health check for my new driver's license.

Letter to Mr. Shun in Anhui about NGO and Rural University.

July 17

Phone B&W. No decision yet.

Messages to RTKL re Redstone Project to Peter about GRE, to my cousin Peter and his wife Louise, and to my brother Mark, to Alcide Degagne of Delta.

Visit site at Olympic Games Village as potential venue for our "center".

July 18 practice AutoCAD still no news from B and W about North Bund aunt don't say spends his evenings playing with guagua downstairs stairs

July 19 phone BMW in Toronto rutoronto Ruth not in office Ruth Holmes me says North Bund can go ahead with a budget of 400000 remind me She will settle the office move question when she comes on August 1st I notify everyone about the North Bund project order more tables built shanta phone is sick shay Cheyenne Yang is staying with us practice AutoCAD play with domsey and Cheyenne that's Bay high park message again to Don Rogers threw him a cow where are the slides July 20 take shaying don't see honeyu and Alexander to youran mingerhan in your hand a zoo of small animals don't say love that PM visit shanda fung in hospital is OK we took away arm loads of fruit and biscuits that visitors had given him evening pening at LA LA LA Tia July 21 continue work on review of view of economics of the future pick upick up don't see at mama tmama Ja learn learning poetry and pinion July 22 still no word from B and W help on you with article on Beijing real estate for Beijing scene newspaper Ber get Alexander's passport from embassy from embassy finish review of economics of the future go with youngson Chong get get email at BTAA July 23 phone Ruth at 5:30 AM she said David Nicholson approved the and approved the budget can we start go to Conlon hotel get check from saljo for rent at our new workplace Meet at the workplace school pay some rent for the North Bund project July 24 whole newhose dreams a circular if the circular mirror mirror in the sky and meeting and Wilson Juan quay Vera Vera buy equipment for North Bund and plastic for models send it to the school young San Chong if unchong arranged truck to move plastic and tables from Yahoo soon to the school PM take pong pong to namo kindergarten looks good good 2025 BMW North Bund start work with Palm pump finish article for Beijing scene visit jangle man craft center to be signed contract with Lee Payne

Logo and name idea for our new business

July 26 BMW at North Bund with pong pong prepare a package for Gladys frame the transportation experthe transportation expert we brought garbage to school accidentally this morning from the old site take take shown July 27 kids kids saying don't see A mama to momo Tia message from RTKL Hong-Kong office 2 choose name wooza tool for our craft center July 28 learn to use exile spreadsheet B and W budget kids PM take don't see Alex to meet Karen and Adam Adams at guamo Adam thinks it's a good name visit kindergarten at namo farm Very hot and sticky these days July 29 try to reach bijan and seed vash want to learn news of his meeting last month no chance to meet can't find translator for a con leipun spas broke contract with Julio craft center suffers setback spent evening searching for a new location B and W northbound school What with leonardia and pong pong July 30B and W North Bund at the school PM at B and W office at Conlon hotel evening with Patrick lamb and trick and lamb family hes a Canadian structural engineer don't see felt sick had a fever a sat through supper and coffee after was not one word of Complaint I praised him asked if he wanted anything he said when are we going home I love this boy July 3131 don't see lost his 1st tootis 1st tooth had his last day of kindergarten of Kendrick garden North Bund at the school do plot ratio model with pong pong do one luanja is punk drawing Ching asked about RTKL participating in the competition PM visit I'm a phone kindergarten electrical engineer totally ignored my requested changes I located the lighting in relationship to the grid of the building he ignored that that last October exterior sevexterior and and some interior lighting and architecture varchitecture very unrelated I feel crestfallen and very tired AM go with honeyu to look at Sunday turn as possible site for 5 colors Earth Prayed hard my effort effort with letter to don't shout pain can be used Ching phone saying RTKL should participate in the North Bund project agreed to hire Gladys frame I'm glad as frame August one

August 1 AM at least in school North bun project with leonzia and Palm pong he pleasantly surprised me he did a lot of work on a beautiful model lunch with suddenly more I hope he can find a translator a translator PM take don't seek to library and Toy Story movie afteray movie after 1st visited culture center next door ballroom dancing body building electronic video games not interesting Liberian was wonderful pleasing face helpful attitude and couraging don't see brows for a while can for a while came home to find out don't say had threatened hold you in the morning take me to Bay high park now or I will burn myself myself August 2nd AM very good meeting with professor Shu professor with Shirley luancia pong pong pong honio and Dan shall you didn't come alu didn't come lunch together take don't see to LA LA LA LA Tia PM Ruth and Sawyer called I have supper with them Ruth feels we should stop the project North Bund because we are weak and because she heard a rumor in shanghai that the client already decided who the winner is I feel quest I feel crestfallen go back to Lalo back to Lalo Ja mama told me your name is involved with the production of ATV series on spiritual civilization would I please participate Well that lifted my spirits Alexander has a high feel I catch ganmo and diarrhea August 3 August 4 more housework slowly studying auto pad somebody bore said translator cannot be found until September Gor go to none something park to look at possible site for 5 colors Earth August 5th a it's 5th AM with Liu wujia and pong very good consultation haven't told them BMW might stop this project PM great time with Greg Yager head of RTKL Hong-Kong office he was very interested in our northbound work gave very good suggestions took him to see by Kendrick garden in namo fung send email to Ted neederman urging artical join northbund project August 6th Ching sent email send RTKL is interested Else northbound at school all day Lew wenge's home was flooded August 7th North bound half day PM meet with salder about balsin fax to David Greg Jaeger RTK from Hong-Kong phone asked help with a sujo housing project August 8

August 8:05 AM Ruth said RTKL had not confirmed and the competition is rigged so stop 6 Ami read email from Ted neederman he had been talking to Greg they were both enthusiastic that RTKL should join us in Beijing to do the project I realize this information to Ruth ask whether this affects her decision northbound continue work with pong pong PM visit 2 sites for a 5 colors Earth only tea loser's own tea Looks very good neighbors downstairs took don't see to obey high for the afternoon I told Kong I can't find a translator a translator evening download the Harbor Symphony August 9 email from Ted neederman RTKL says he will contact David Nicholson continue northbound go respond go to M CDI stop issuing of both syndromes to client there is a money problem help pung pung Apply for University continue kindergarten AutoCAD drawings don't see helped Alexander get to sleep one time this evening fed him don't see very good at paper folding very self reliant growing growing natural found garden on our roof my roof late evening email from Ted RTKL he yeah and accepts BMW's assessment of RTKL lack of credibility shanghai competition and is dropping out so it's over August August 10th very friendly sympathy note from Ted go to great wall at sbig G wall at cheese shit with homeo lonelium chaying don't see an Alexander very beautiful beautiful saw the work of a sculpture called eugthey're called Eugene Chung supper allowed paralleloja evening Fong Leo windja tell him that project is over August 12th AM northbound facts to Ruth about ending the project PM visit dark group it's dark group site a at Chow young men yeah man why with shell Juan and pong Tuesday Tuesday August 13 dark group group August 14 dart group August 15th dark group PM make presentation to client he will get back to us Juliet was in town she will go ahead with joint venture it looks as though this is where I should hang my hat not with Robert mellon and Newfoundland evening pizza supper for don't say 6 years old Oh you got him a beautiful illustrated children's encyclopedia receive cold reply from Ruth she asked for invoices Super Bowl phone asking for drawings of elementary school at namo farm for entry and good school design competition August August 16th send fax from HH Angus to M CDI about mechanical design get don't see a library card reset I'm tired receiving chatting very shanghai A book from Macau working with pong and so one is very nice yeah very nice evening supper with Sandra Martin's I met her via email via UID C ad in Beijing scene she is the daughter of a Hungarian refugee to Canada studied planning at ryerson told me about Canada fund about fund coordinator Canada job opening opening email to Gladys frame ask her send invoice for work so far to Ruth


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